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Job seekers
Welcome to Wirkn!
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Support portal
Job seekers
Welcome to Wirkn!
Navigating the platform
Posting and deleting jobs
Managing candidate applications
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Job seekers
Welcome to Wirkn!
Navigating the platform
Your profile
Employers Phone App
Downloading the app
Account Settings
Job seekers
Are you looking for opportunities to land your first job or build your career? This section will help you land your dream job through Wirkn.
Welcome to Wirkn!
How can I close my account?
How to navigate the Help Center?
Getting started
How can I apply for a job?
Is Wirkn free?
How can I make sure I'll get a call back?
How and when will I hear back from managers?
Can you help me immigrate to Canada?
See more
Navigating the platform
How to cancel an application?
How do I go back to the main jobs list?
How to reset my password?
How to view my applications?
How do I reply to a message?
What if I am looking for a specific type of job?
How can I re-apply to a job?
What does Collecting Interest mean?
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Your profile
How to upload my CV?
How old do I have to be to apply for jobs?
Do I need a profile picture?
How to change my profile picture?
How to update my phone or email?
Do I need to make a video?
How long should my video be?
What should I talk about in my video?
Should I make a new video for every application?
What camera should I use for my video?
How can I search for jobs in a different location?
Can I apply even if I have no experience?
How to change the language of the notifications?
See more
Why I am seeing a 404 error page?
Why does my status appear as "Contacted" if I have not heard from the manager?
Why will my video not upload?